
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

It’s an intermittent, high concentration, and short duration oxygen breathing therapy, which involves breathing 100% pure oxygen with a mask on in a fully enclosed, pressurized chamber. Normally the air pressure level inside is above 1.4 bar, and it will go higher to a certain point based on the patients’ condition. Throughout this treatment, the oxygen saturation is added, which leads to higher oxygen concentration in the tissues. Not only the erythrocyte can reach saturated oxygen level, but it can also increase levels of oxygen dissolving in the plasma with physical phenomenon operation. The main application is for wound healing, and smoothing the discomfort of swollenness via dentalcare.

TCI Sedation Anesthesia Therapy

Sedation anesthesia is an intravenous injection, which can be known as injecting anesthetic into body. Computer will calculate the minimum amount of anesthesia endurance for each individual, based on their heights and weights, and puts patients into N2 sleep. The patients will undergo dental surgery in this condition, without sharp noises from drilling or painful local anesthetic. You will awake in a comfortable mood after the surgery. We’re all for making your dental visit sweet as a good dream.

Laughing Gas Therapy

Laughing gas, chemically known as “Nitrous Oxide (N2O)”, is a colorless, and sweet-smelling gas. It is stable under room temperature, with sedative function. The gas was early used in dental surgery anesthesia, now is commonly performed in surgery and dental procedure. Laughing gas has a history of more than 170 years since Dr. Horace Wells operated surgery with it back in 1840's. Which means, it can be seen as one of the most ancient medical-used gases throughout modern medicine. Laughing gas reaching 5%-25% concentration is able to relax body, and numbs hands and feet a bit; if it’s up to 25%-55%, then the medical effects turn out to be calm and pain-relieving. With proper dosage, patients can experience warm and painless treatment, with also fewer sensitive senses to surroundings. Above all, Laughing gas treatment is excellent for those who are anxious to dental visits.






「笑氣」的化學名為「一氧化二氮」,化學分子式N2O,是一種無色有甜味的氣體,在室溫下穩定,有輕微麻醉作用。該氣體早期被用於牙科手術的麻醉,現用在外科手術和牙科。笑氣自西元1840年代Dr.Horace wells使用於牙科手術,迄今已有一百七十多年的歷史,是現代醫學上被持續使用最古老的藥用氣體之一。濃度5%到25%的笑氣,可以讓人感到全身放鬆、手腳麻麻的感覺。濃度25%到55%的笑氣,則有鎮靜、止痛的作用,會感到全身溫熱,較無疼痛感,且對周圍環境聲音較無感覺。對於懼怕看牙醫的孩童或是對牙醫緊張的病人能消除緊張、恐懼及憂慮感!