Professional Team of Wu Tung Dental Group
Professional Team of Wu Tung Dental Group
Dean, Dr. Steven Sung / Dr. Chih Hao Sung
Academic Experience
  • Dean of HBO Dental Center
  • Funder of Wu Tung Dental Group
  • Director, Department of Dentistry, Yang-Mei Ten-Chen General Hospital
  • Director, Department of Dentistry, Saint Paul’s Hospital
  • Director, Department of Dentistry, BenQ Medical Center
  • Bachelor of Dentistry, National Taiwan University
  • Executive Master of Business Administration, National Taiwan University
  • Implant Research, Harvard University, USA
  • Implant Research, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Implant and Oral Reconstruction, David B. Kriser Hospital, New York University, USA
  • Cadaver Training, The University of New South Wales, Australia
  • Specialist, Academy of Dental Implantology, Republic of China
  • Specialist, Taiwan Association of Orthodontists
  • Specialist, Association of Hyperbaric and Undersea Medicine of Republic of China
  • Member of Taiwan Academy of Periodontology
  • Member of Taiwan Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry
  • Secretary General of Academy of Oral Implantology, Taiwan
  • Director of Academy of Hyperbaric Oxygen
Associate Dean, Dr. Leo Hsu / Dr. Wei Hsuan Hsu
Academic Experience
  • School of Dentistry, The University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • Specialist, Chinese Academy of Implant and Esthetic Dentistry
  • College of Oral Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University
  • Former Chief Resident, Taichung Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare
  • Former Dentist, Chung Shan Hospital and Tungs’ Taichung Metro Harbor Hospital
  • Dentist, Association of Family Dentistry, Republic of China (Taiwan)
  • Dentist, Taiwan Academy of Operative Dentistry
  • Dentist, Academy of Dental Implantology, Republic of China
  • Dentist of Taiwan Orthodontic Society
  • Associate Director of HBO Dental Clinic
  • Director of Dentist, Department of Dentistry, BenQ Medical Center
  • Attending Dentist, Department of Dentistry, Yang-Mei Ten-Chen General Hospital

Director, Dr. Chun Wei Chang
Academic Experience
  • Dentist, International Association of Paediatric Dentistry (IPAD)
  • Dentist, Taiwan Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
  • Dentist, TCI Sedation and Sleep Therapy of Pediatric Dentist
  • Dentist of Taiwan Orthodontic Society (TOS)
  • Orthodontic Training of Beauty Forever Dental Clinic
  • Certified Dentist of Invisalign Orthodontic, USA
  • Dentist, Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists
  • Dentist, The Academy of Endodontology, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
  • Dentist, Association of Family Dentistry, Republic of China (Taiwan)
Director, Dr. Shih Kang Chen
Academic Experience
  • Bachelor of School of Dentistry, Taipei Medical University
  • Dentist, Department of Dentistry, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
  • Dentist, Department of Prosthodontics, National Taiwan University Hospital
  • Certified Dentist of Japan LH System of Orthodontics
  • Implant training, Columbia University in the City of New York
  • Certified Dentist of Invisalign Orthodontic, USA
  • Director of Academy, Wu Tung Dental Group
  • Dentist, Implant Team, HBO Dental Clinic
  • Director of Dentist, Department of Dentistry, BenQ Medical Center
  • Dentist, Department of Prosthodontics, Yang-Mei Ten-Chen General Hospital

Professional Team of Wu Tung Dental Group
宋志豪醫師 - 新當代牙醫診所院長
院長 宋志豪 醫師
  • 新當代牙醫診所院長
  • 吾同牙醫集團創始人
  • 楊梅天成醫院牙科部指導主任
  • 聖保祿醫院牙科部指導主任
  • 明基醫院口腔科指導主任
  • 台灣大學牙醫學士
  • 台灣大學Executive Master of Business Administration
  • 美國Harvard University植牙研究
  • 加拿大University of Toronto植牙研究
  • 美國紐約大學David B. Kriser醫院植牙及全口重建
  • 澳洲The University of New South Wales大體手術研修
  • 中華民國植體學會專科醫師
  • 中華民國矯正學會專科醫師
  • 中華民國高壓暨海底醫學會專科醫師
  • 台灣牙周病醫學會會員
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  • 中華民國口腔植體學會秘書長
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徐偉軒 副院長
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  • 中華植體美學醫學會 植牙專科醫師
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  • 前衛生福利部台中醫院總醫師
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  • 台灣口腔矯正醫學會醫師
  • 新當代牙醫診所副院長
  • 南京、蘇州明基醫院口腔科指導醫師
  • 楊梅天成牙科部主治醫師

張鈞維 主任
  • IAP國際兒童牙科醫學會醫師
  • 中華民國兒童牙科醫學會醫師
  • 兒童牙科鎮靜門診醫師
  • 台灣口腔矯正學會(TOS)醫師
  • 台大恆美牙醫齒顎矯正訓練
  • 美國隱適美Invisalign隱形矯正認證醫師
  • 台北市牙科植體學會醫師
  • 中華民國牙髓病學會醫師
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陳世剛 主任
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  • 日本LH系統齒顎矯正認證培訓醫師
  • 美國Columbia University植牙進修
  • 美國隱適美Invisalign隱形矯正認證醫師
  • 時代天使數位隱形矯正認證醫師
  • 吾同牙醫集團教學主任
  • 新當代牙醫診所植牙團隊醫師
  • 南京、蘇州明基醫院口腔科指導醫師
  • 楊梅天成牙科部贗復科訓練醫師